In this unit, students will explore both the creative industries and the specific areas of creative media production. By developing a broad contextual understanding of the industry, business practices, and specific skills, students will be able to situate their own work and skills within the specific industries and the wider sector.
Topics covered in the unit include: the creative industry sector, creative media
production fields, sector economics, company types, roles within creative media
production, relationships between creative media production companies and roles, the history of the industry, planning for the future.

Media Today by Joseph Turow
Selected Readings


Media Industry Research Report
Presentation (Media Product)


1. TUES. 09/17      Unit & Assignment Overview. Creative Media Problem

2. THURS. 09/19    Media as Industries. Read:Key Concepts in Media Industry Studieshandout, Chapters 1 & 2 Turow.

3. THURS 09/26     Research Techniques. In-class exercise

4. TUES. 10/01      Media Production in Context.  Read: Chapters 5 & 6, Turow

5. THURS. 10/03    Company Types. Employment. Taxation

6. TUES. 10/08      Regulation. Legislation & Taxation. Read: Chapter 3, Turow

7. THURS. 10/10    Film & Television Industry. History, current issues. Read: Chapter 12, Turow. Film Festival as an Industry Node handout

8. TUES. 10/15      Working in Film & Television Industry. Read: Turow Chapter 12

9. THURS. 10/17    Topic: Radio Industry. History, current issues. Read: Chapter 11, Turow

10. TUES. 10/22    Topic: Working in Radio Production. Using the Radio Studio for Live Broadcasting

11. THURS. 10/24  Topic: Sound: Techniques and technology
Sub-topic(s): Demonstration and exploration of techniques and technology used in pre-production

12. TUES. 10/29   Topic: Health & Safety in Pre-recorded and Live Sound Recording and radio Production. 

13. THURS. 10/31  Visual Effects & motion Graphics industry. Read: Handout
Working in Visual Effects & Motion Graphics Industries

14. TUES. 11/05    Assignment Workshop

15. THURS. 11/07  Print, Magazine & Journalism. Newspapers, Magazines and Books. History, current issues. Read: Chapters 8 & 9, Turow
Working in Print Media Industries

16. TUES. 11/12    Animation & Gaming Industry. 
Working in Animation & Gaming Industry

17. THURS. 11/14  Assignment Workshop

18.TUES. 11/19    Economy & Politics. Research Report due.

19. THURS. 11/21  Technology & Society. Read: Global Media Report 2016Handout

20. TUES. 11/26      Assignment Presentations due.
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